SeaWestern is a family owned and operated company with over 40 years of experience serving the Pacific Northwest Emergency Services. SeaWestern prides itself on building relationships with the department personnel - like a family, SeaWestern is there when you need us. Our mission is to provide Quality Products, at a Reasonable Price, with Service After the Sale. We offer the following services:
SeaWestern is a SCOTT-Certified Repair Center, which offers fast turnaround on the repair of SCOTT SCBAs, Flow testing and Hydrostatic testing. Our DOT-approved hydrostatic test facility is certified to test all SCBA manufacturers cylinders. Refilling service is also available. Complimentary pick-up and delivery of repaired equipment and/or hydrostatically tested cylinders available, subject to your Sales Representative's travel schedule.
SeaWestern has a full time SCOTT-Certified Mobile Technician to assist departments with complying with manufacturer's recommendation that SCBAs are flow tested annually, You supply the SCBA and air and we will get your SCBAs flow tested.
Similar to your engines, providing routine maintenance on your compressor greatly increases the longevity of your breathing air system. Our Factory-Certified Technician is available to get the task done. Additionally, when your compressor is down, it needs immediate attention.
On-Site Holmatro Tool Repair & Annual Preventative Maintenance
For Alaska, Oregon, & Northern California, SeaWestern has multiple Holmatro-Certified Mobile Technicians to assist departments with maintaining your tools in compliance with Holmatro’s recommendations. We are set up to travel to you to complete the needed repairs and maintain your tools to factory specifications. The annual service maximizes the service life of your equipment and allows us to find problems when they are small and easy to fix. As we have always done, we show up with loaner tools to keep you in-service while we work on your tools. We also have loaner tools available 24/7 in case of an OOS emergency.
Sea Western has established a popular Quarterly Air Test Kit program to assist your department with meeting the new NFPA 1500 standard. Every quarter, an Air Test Kit is automatically shipped to your department. You simply fill the empty container, seal the package, and mail. An air quality certificate will be mailed back to you.

The SeaWestern Partnership Maintenance Service Program provides you with Mobile SCOTT SCBA Dynamic Performance Flow Testing at your location. SCOTT and NFPA 1852 recommends that this is done every year as a progressive, preventative maintenance program. SCBA which does not pass this inspection and testing will be repaired, re-tested, and returned by SeaWestern with written documentation as to service performed.

Fire service and law enforcement employees face unknown chemical hazards. That's why they must use the highest rated respirators, including SCBAs and military-quality gas masks. But the highest protection level can't be achieved if the respirator isn't donned properly. That's where the TSI PORTACOUNT Respirator Fit Tester comes in. Passing a quantitative respirator fit test proves that the face-piece is sized correctly and that the person knows how to put it on correctly. The PORTACOUNT Pro+ Respirator Fit Tester is the only instrument with built-in N95 technology to perform a quantitative fit test. Abandon the tedious and ambiguous qualitative respirator fit test methods such as Saccharin and Bitrex and have peace of mind knowing that you can trust your fit test results. ***Please note this is a rental service. SeaWestern does not perform the fit testing.

Annually, our technician will complete the 54 point checklist, which includes changing the oil, filters and cartridges. Every quarter, our technician will be out to take an Air Quality Sample.

Let us ensure that your compressor is performing at its best! Twice a year our factory-certified technician will visit your department to maintain your compressor to manufacturer's recommendations. Every quarter, our technician will be out to take an Air Quality Sample.

Join our tried and true Quarterly Air Test Program! We will automatically ship out an Air Test Kit(s) to your location every three months. This serves as a great reminder that it is time to take your air sample. You simply collect an air sample into the sterile container provided and ship it to the lab.

Count on SeaWestern to get your compressor back up and running as quickly as possible. Our technician's schedule has one day a week available for the sole purpose of responding to our customer's urgent needs.